Daily // 016


It feels good to have a purpose. I've been at home wasting the hours everyday for much of the month that it's actively becoming a daily routine. But today was different. These past few days were different. I said all that has to be said in the previous posts so let's talk about today.

After having lunch at home after a deep sleep (again), TM came again and this time they said it was due to the router being updated to a newer version. It auto updated to it but the router model isn't built to support it and the newer firmware has a ton of problems. So the solution is to downgrade it to a older version and to disable the autoupdate. Hopefully it works this time around. But we can only see on Monday cause the problem only happens on weekdays.

Right, after that, we went to Bangsar to get some things for my brother who's coming to visit next week and on the way back, we went and had ourselves some nice deserving cendol and rojak in Taman Bahagia, the one right across the LRT station. It's been so long since I had one that I practically gulped two in 5 minutes. So much for healthy living.

And then the usual. Dinner with our uncle and off to Malones for a drink or two. Here's the purposeful part. Now that I think of it, it's kind of ironic that I feel "purposeful" in a place where people often drop their purpose and responsibility.

A friend asked me to proofread her university application, and I feel amazing. I am a little proud that she asked me to do it but more so, I feel like I'm actually doing something. Hopefully, there'll be more of this. Any takers?



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