Daily // 019

12:51am 1:43am

I remember a few years ago, I read on some magazine that about a self-made billionaire who sold his company at a young age. He could have enjoyed his life. He did, only for awhile. He was bored doing, well, anything that he likes, that he went off and made another company to start all over. And he got a few more millions from it.

Here's the point of that story. I've realized that my better posts, the ones where I write good and with minimal mistakes and when I was actually eager to write was when I'm occupied with something with my "main" life.

Now that I'm not. I don't actually feel a need in me to update this blog. I started off this daily post as a desperation attempt to rekindle the fire in me to write. To write passionately. What good is there if I upload a sloppy post everyday?

I am considering to putting this daily posts. But what I am not even thinking to outright give up on this blog. There will still be updates, but when is the question.

PS, the electricity in my whole neighborhood got cut out again. And this time, I am genuinely terrified. The electricity didn't just got cut, the lights flickered for two or three times before everything went dark. Everything except my laptop. But that's fine. I'm on my bed now and no monsters can get to me.



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