Second Thoughts


I have a tendency to look into almost every single aspect of a situation, but somehow would always miss the most important details. And that detail was what led me to my clusterfuck of a mistake. But screw it, what's done is done and there's nothing I can do about it except making the betterment of the situation.

Just an hour ago, Mr. Aria called me. Among the staffs they have in BAC, I guess Mr.Aria's words is the one I would remember for a long time. I mean, he wasn't my favorite lecturer. That title would go to Mr. Raymond easily, or even Miss Shanti or Mr. Siva. It was his words on a particular Saturday class.

Here's what happened. As I said, it was a Saturday class. And almost all of the classes held on a Saturday for the past two months, I didn't go. But for some reason, I decided to go to this particular Saturday. It was the Saturday just before the Law paper, so attendance was low. A measly 20 people? A far cry from the hundred the hall usually attracted. So after 12pm, he ended the class. 5 hours earlier than usual because he said the law paper is coming up, so he'll let us off early to study for that. But before that, he gave about 15 minutes worth of career advises that struck me hard.

The call earlier, his first purpose was to recruit me to enroll back with BAC for their law programmes. But I told him I have already enrolled into HELP for this course. Then he said something that made me realized, I have not only missed on the most important details, but also the second most important detail. He said, I've already took my A-Levels course. A Cambridge course. So, I should've done something that was offered by a foreign university, like the University of Derby or something. That in the future, he wouldn't want to put BAC's name in his name card if he gotten the chance to add a University of Derby in it.

Oh, damn it Stan.



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