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So it's been awhile, but fret not. Today's the day there will be life to this page! Today's Tuesday, two days from now, I will be in HELP for my orientation, so basically my first day in HELP. I don't know what to expect, maybe this time I'll be the loner kid who stays by the side watching people, or the one everyone goes to, or just the kid that people knows but don't know. Who knows? I'm not worried though. I'm going in with a content and excited heart!

Let's put that aside for now. For some reason, these few days I feel very nostalgic about the past. Some a distant past, some as recent as two years ago. I miss the feel of being in Singapore when I was younger, or generally whenever. There's something about Singapore that evokes a different feeling than here. Although we're separated by only a causeway, it feels as if we're two different worlds. And that is a damn shame.

It's funny, how the nostalgia feeling could find it's roots in a whole lot of random places. I was just only looking at the current roster of Alliance dota team and I saw Loda's name and suddenly I was missing the time where they completely dominated the scene, as compared to now their sorry situation they find themselves in.

Welp, there's some things you can control and some that you can't. And this is one of those that's totally out of your hands.



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