Blank State


Mr. It's Not A Review and he's back with another not a review, but life-inspired movie post. And this time, it's The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman. I know nothing about this movie. I have never even heard of it until three days ago when I saw a post on Tumblr with Shia Lebouf crying, with a quote underneath it.

“When you lose someone who’s your home, you know, you’re only home in the world. And when that happens you think, oh fuck I should have had a back-up home. Another person, a place, a thing, something to make me feel safe, and I don’t have that. And now I’m lost.”

To be honest, I don't know what about this quote that made piqued my interest. It could be my fondness for Shia Lebouf, or that the quote relates because in reality, I am lost. Lost like a man stranded in the open sea. Where going down would literally drown me while staying up would increase the sensation of drowning tenfold.

"It is problems which make us who we are, which gives us character." - Victor Ibanescu

You see, I'm an overthinker. I tend to overthink in every single situation, even in those that's probably never going to happen.

In this particular situation, I had imagined myself being with the love of my life, and meeting her parents. And her father would grill me with tons of question, and one of those question was, "What's your worst qualities.?" I thought of it in the showers, way before I had watched this movie, so my answer was, "Well, I'm a flawed person. I'm constantly filled with mistakes, and wrongs. And I guess that is my worst qualities. A mistake-prone person." But in the words of Victor Ibanescu, I have character, yes?

"That's why I'm scared for you. You know, for that picture in your head. Close your eyes. Get rid of that one. Poof, that one's gone. That's gone. Blank state. Pick a good one, a really good one, one that's so good it'll keep the bad ones stuck."

Like I said, I'm a flawed person filled with mistakes in every part of me. And since young, whenever I got stuck in a situation, I'd love to reset and redo everything. Just like I did with my video games. That's the reason my sister was particularly annoyed at me back then. It's just that, I like my blank state. An empty background, crying for it to be filled with colors. And I guess, that's what I'd like to do.

To paint colors in people's life. In order to paint some on mine.



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