

hatred for the soul of this body

Hate's a hard word meant for tough situation.  What do you do when something as beautiful and pure as the soul can be contaminated to such extent that a touch of it can be met with the look of disgust and regret? Throw my soul into the bunch with the rest and let it wander off into the wilderness.

endless torment for the mind of this soul

20 years' are a long time. 20 years of endless thoughts racing through my mind puts a toll on anyone's mind. I'm tired man. Sleep no longer fuels me. It does the exact opposite. Any amount of sleep drains more energy. Why should I give them a track in my battled mind? I'm sick of waking up the next day wanting to throw up.

cages for the body of this mind

No escape in sight. Chained to the sole thing that's there to keep me in tact. What's broken can never be fixed just by holding them together. Peek through my skin, my blood and my bones, deep beneath my rib cage, you'll see it, you'll feel it. A fain heartbeat reaches the wanderer's. Pale and colorless, where has my life gone to?


hatred for the soul of this body
endless torment for the mind of this soul
cages for the body of this mind
it never ends



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