virtual to my reality


It's been awhile ain't it? Close to 3 months that this page has seen a new letter. I could say it was due to the stress of the short semester, or the lack of time I have with everything else but that is not the case. There has been so many instances of me doing something entirely irrelevant at the expense of my work, and that includes neglecting this precious book of mine. I never seem to get my priorities right.

Regardless, this is a new chapter of the book. And as all my previous posts are, it's going to be rusty. Especially in the beginning. That's just how it is when you neglect something for so long that it takes such a long time for your muscle memory (in this case, the brain too) to regain its past adventures.

I'm sure we all heard of the perils of social media before. Some of you surely have, considering I talked about it in class before. Before I dwell more into the topic, I first have to say that most of the stuffs I say either in reality or through the screen of your phones, they're not only directed to people of my life but also myself. And when I say we have to stop using social media that often, I meant me.

Back to the topic at hand, I spend so much time on social media, trying to build a credible profile that I neglect the reality in me. I used to spend my time rigorously looking at the profiles of the people / pages I'm following and unfollow those that I liked no more, or even never liked at all. Why did I even follow them in the first place then? Probably to gain their like. How shameful.

After the pilings of such acts, I've grown and believed that is no longer a good idea. And I believe, aside from my occasional rants, that I am a good person through the screen. The reality of me believes so. So as much that I am jealous of the life that Virtual Stan is living. That says something about Reality Stan considering Virtual Stan doesn't have much in his life.

The truth is, Reality Stan no longer wants to be afraid of the known and the unknown. He wants his head clear so he can f
ind the purpose that is destined for his life. He no longer wants the clouds shrouding his vision..



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