What Drives You?


Exactly 52 days since I wrote something on here and from the way things were going, this blog was heading to the gutter and I probably wouldn't mind. Long has the motivation been gone, and just like Casey Neistat stopping vlogging on YouTube, I though with much less success, was on the path of letting failure took over.

Long gone were the days where I would enthusiastically look up on the blog, and looking for inspiration to actually write. Nowadays, it seem like a bother. Not only to write on here, but to actually doing things and interacting with people.

That is until a few days back when I was having trouble sleeping, I stumbled upon a post on reddit. It entails the written composition of a Michelle K. and a letter she wrote for a class assignment titled "To my eighteen-year-old self" It was 3:30am when I saw this post and this kept me up the whole night with ideas swirling in my head as a result. I didn't even bother to try to get myself some sleep for the paper the next day.

Just by reading the first few paragraphs, it reminded me of why I loved writing so much. I've always found it amazing how a simple word can translate to different meaning, simply from the tone it's being used. Do yourself a favor and go and read the essay. Even if you don't understand a lot of the words, (don't be ashamed, I don't know a handful too), appreciate the fine beauty of writing. Always do your kids a favor when you have them in the future, make sure they have a good grasp of the English language. Having a good grasp of the language seriously will help you a lot in life. I've seen that first hand, trust me.

Now, I don't know what drives you, but this drives me. I want to be remembered not as a good friend, nor family or how I am like as a person, but I want to be remembered for a piece of work that was birthed from my own hands.



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