Insecurities [7]


What is it about the age and time of today's world that there are more known insecurities and anxieties in people? Is it the elevated number of people living today? Is it the ability to broadcast your worries to the world?

I don't know about you but I am filled with anxieties. I don't let my worries known to the world (mostly). I don't really care about the majority of the people living on this planet. I think I had a decent childhood. But why do I have anxieties that cripples both me and my motivation.

I have so many dreams but I let fear stop me from doing so. The fear of being judged, the fear of being looked at differently, the fear of failure. In my head, I know to stop caring about all the judgement, all the wary eyes, and that failures are the stepping stones to success. The thing is, not just this, I know the steps to be successful, the theories, the books, I read them all. But its the application that's stopping me.

Y'know, I really enjoy taking good photographs. But I've always gave excuses to not venture out to take them. It's my camera, it's the old version, the lens is mediocre, my phone is terrible in taking clear photos, I'm scared to go out alone to take pictures, I'm afraid to step out of the house. I know that's all wrong. I know it's myself that's stopping me from going out.

I think that's why I enjoy night photography so much. The lack of light allows me to be engulfed in the darkness and stay hidden from plain sight. To allow myself to work in peace is a blessing and it's hard to do so when there's a hundred eyes on you. Alas, I'm home.

One day perhaps?



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