Shooting Stars [5]


I don't know about you guys but I believe kindness goes a long way. I was once refuted of the believe by two people of different age group, saying even if you're kind of people, they'll still going to treat you like shit. I mean, if you're going about with that attitude, there's literally no more space for kindness to breath.

People are always asking for change. But instead of asking for change. Why not you do something for a change? If you believe kindness will not bring you anywhere, then there will not be any kindness left in the world. The world will just be a sad, cold and miserable world. Come to think of it, isn't that what the world is heading to right now?

Kindness doesn't mean you have to donate millions of dollars to a charity. It doesn't mean you should give 10 hours of your week to do voluntary work. It just means flashing a smile while you're on the way to school or work (I still got work to do here), it means giving up your seat to someone else who needs it more, most importantly, in my opinion, it's to spread happiness.

We wake up in the morning, make our-self presentable to the world, work our ass off, and then get back home to sleep only to wake up in the morning. How do we even feel alive when all we do is based on a repetitive schedule? Truth is, what makes a human human is the emotions and happiness is the core of it. I don't want to be sad all the time. I want to feel the true happiness. I want to wake up one day, looking forward to the day ahead because I believe I can bring about a change.

One key part of kindness is also, and here's something that I feel its all right for not all to believe in. I think if you don't have anything nice to say, don't. Why I say it's okay for some to not believe in it because there is different type of people for different type of jobs. If all of us refuses to point out the negatives of someone, there will not be any change, no progression, only regression.

But for the most of us, I think we should all take a deep breath and think about what we're going to let out. Would what I want to say benefit all of us if I said it? Or would it just fuck it all up? There has been so many times I've been meaning to yell at the top of my lungs, or to just lose my mind. And I've always forced it inside me, telling myself not to do it because, there's no point. So I'll just take it with my while I lay down on the floor and have a nap. When I wake up and I think about it with a clear mind, most of the time I'll be relieved for not vetting out.

Kindness goes both way.
We all want to be happy.
Let's forget our ego for once,
and take the first step.


Here's a bonus song for you guys. And here's the song that inspired the title.


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