Value [8]


The moment you were born into this life of yours in this world, a number appears over you. That number doesn't indicate what number of baby that you were born. That number indicates the value that you hold as of then.

You see, no matter what job you do or where you're born, you hold a value. It doesn't matter if you're a billionaire turned president and holds a value of few billion dollars, or a janitor working in the same building with a value of a few hundred, or even someone in a third world country struggling to live, he might not hold a value in monetary terms, but he holds a value in sentimental terms by being a son to his parents, a father, brother, and friend to someone.

So before you do anything stupid and rash, think about who will have to pick up the values you left behind. You are a value to someone. They might not say it explicitly because, ego. But you are.

Love yourself.



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