Flight [13]


In 5 days time I will be on a flight to Seoul, Korea for basically a month. I'll be spending 3 weeks in Dankook University for their Summer Program in which I will learn about the Korean culture as well as Hangul, the Korean language. Another week I will spend as a vacation with Joey ðŸ’• as well as Eriko and Audrey touring around Seoul on our own.

To say I'm excited is an understatement. But I am also having another conflicting feelings that is just as strong as the former. Fear. To live in a foreign country alone where you know nothing of its language is a terrifying experience but I am willing and excited to take up on the challenge. There's still fear but it's not a problem. 

Another of my fear goes hand in hand with another slight feeling. Money is tight right now and tell me whether you think it's selfish for me to go on this trip. Yes, I got a full scholarship for this program but it only covers accommodation and the program fees. Everything else is all on my own. It's just like during a sales period. Do you spend more to get the discount or do you not spend at all and save the cash? That's the thoughts I'm having while the days countdown to Sunday.

I just hope this decision doesn't put a strain on an already tight situation.



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