

I've fallen to the pits of not updating my blogs once again. It's been a hectic couple of months since Korea and it's been taking a toll on my energy level. It's only half an hour past midnight but I am already tired, not alike few years ago where this time I was just only getting ready to waste another hour of my life doing nothing.

But I think the reason why I am feeling tired so early nowadays is because of some convincing reasons from bb saying that it's good to sleep early and I have been trying to do that ever since. It's funny, how some special would be able to incite positive changes in your own life and I will forever be grateful for someone taking care of my own well-being better than I do myself.

I know this will sound cynical to some but please don't take it the wrong way. Aside from bb, there is really no one I am looking forward to interact with on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, most of you reading this, most of the people I call my colleague and friends, all the people I call family, I truly appreciate each and every one of you and have a special kind of affection not unlike those reserved for friends.

But I am just not made out to deal with people. Given the chance, I would rather buy a plot of land somewhere out and  be a farmer. Given the chance, I would hide myself within the confinements of my own land and set out to publish a great novel. Given the chance, I would rather fully focus on my own work rather than tiring myself out with the outside world.

But alas, the world is not meant to work that way. It possibly could be in the future but probably not in the time we live right now. And I know I have to change that. I would have to change myself to face the perils of the world so success can be achieved to build a comfortable and dream home for myself and my family.

But just this once, I would like to take a break and sleep on it.



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