Stress [2]


While the world has seen great strides in taking care of those that find themselves in a battle against mental illness, there are still some parts of the world where even just speaking about it is considered a taboo or a sign of weakness.

Image result for therapy cartoon"Grow up.", "It's all in your head.", "Just forget about it." They all said. It's no wonder places that still consider mental illness a taboo has a high depression rate. It's no wonder why there is such a high rate of suicide in these societies.

But thankfully with the advancement of technology, one that is with mental illness, such as depression and stress-related issues can seek help without being judged for it. They don't even need to step out of the door. Believe me, I've have had bouts where I would just attempt to hide under my blanket and not step outside just because I wasn't feeling for it. I did not want to face the world and just want to cower in fear.

Back then, I was alone. I didn't had anyone to talk to about my own problems. I didn't post on Facebook or Twitter seeking for help because I didn't want to be judged. I didn't want to be labelled weak. I didn't want to be laughed at. My only solitude was this blog page I guess. And thankfully there were some individuals who managed to get a hold of it and helped me in these dire times.

But not everyone gets the chance to talk to people about it. But because of technology, there are ways to circumvent that. One of it is seeking therapy online. One page which offers excellent therapy services is BetterHelp. They're a credible website that hooks you up with a licensed therapist that will help you with your problems.

Give them a try, everyone deserves a chance. You deserve a chance to heal, and they deserve a chance to help you.

Click <HERE> to take a look at the wonderful work that BetterHelp is trying to do.


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