

I believe I grew up in a decent family, with tons of love showered upon me. Forget the obvious flaws and issues that exists, I've managed to grow up decently and that shows on the love that I hand out to people. In this case, it's not just love in the sense of a romantical relationship. Growing up, even until today, I've managed to surround myself with great people, being able to assimilate myself into different groups of people, and that is purely all down to the fact that I am able to hand out love. It's what they say, treat people the way you want to be treated.

In return, I've gotten myself into a couple of romantical relationship, though I guess it's more of a fling than anything. Among all those puppy love as those adults would say, I guess only one of it really can be considered a serious one.

With that said though, each of the relationship meant something to be at that time and each break took a piece of me. The last one had me hiding under my blanket at home for days, leaving only for food and school.

Was I sad by any of it? Certainly. Do I regret any of it? Nope. Because I’ve met the right one and I believe we tick the right boxes and is compatible in all other ways. No, that is not to say that we have a perfect relationship. There are ups and downs of this relationship, just like any other relationship in the world.

There are times where it makes me think whether what I have right now is worth it. And almost every time, I’ve come to the same decision, that it is worth it. It’s certainly worth it. Not to sound like a obsessed psychopath, but I’m sure it’s not unusual to have a picture of your significant other as your phone wallpaper, but each day, the first and last person to look at would be her and each day is a reminder to grow myself as a person to be able to provide a comfortable future for ourselves.

And that is basically the key to the longevity of this current relationship. The focus at the end is worth all of this hardship that we are currently facing right now. Money could be tight right now, career choice could be another obstacle block, jealousy, pettiness all could be a factor. But the end goal still remains the same.

I am willing to sacrifice some things to acquire for a greater future for the both of us. I am willing to throw away a lot of things to acquire comfortable lives for the both of us. And that I believe, is the main factor of our long-lasting relationship.

With that said, not all relationships are the same. There I not a single person that is the same, everyone is different and all relationships are different. And with that said, you probably shouldn’t be looking for a relationship advice from a 22 year old student.

There has been times where I did look for relationship advices and most of them came from You can click <HERE> for more information about it but it’s certainly has helped me in retaining the focus of my own relationship. Give them a chance and let them help you grow


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