Stress [4]


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Y'know what, I never actually said this before but I never really knew the differences between a
therapist and a psychologist. Funny considering I'm currently enrolled in one of the country's top institution for Psychology. Granted, I'm not majoring in Psychology but I should have a bit of knowledge about it right?

I've always thought that psychologist are there to talk and counsel their patients about any mental issues. But turns out that's not entirely right. See, I was reading this article from BetterHelp <HERE> and it taught me a lot about the differences between the two profession.

See, psychologists do counsel and see patients, same goes to therapists, but therapists aren't allowed to diagnose mental disorders to their patients. They merely counsel, advise and help individuals with feelings and decisions within the structured support network. As a result, they're flexible in terms of how they want to treat and work with an individual because they're not bounded by licensure and codes that psychologists do. There's no Marriage Psychologist right?

Psychologists on the other hand, they diagnose mental disorders and they work with doctors to determine the most appropriate patient medications. They are a legitimate part of the recognized healthcare system in which they're able to diagnose patients. With that, their fees are of course going to be more costly than that of a therapist.

This was really eye-opening and I now know the differences between the two. Perhaps in the future should I ever need one, I'd know the differences between the two.

For more information, click <HERE> to read more on these two distinct profession in the medical world.


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