Stress [5]


A lot of people, especially in Malaysia are lazy. I know I am. We can be complacent in doing the right thing, even if it would tremendously improve the livelihood of our very own lives.

Imagine this, you're in a spiral trend towards the bottom. You know that. And you want to get some help for it. You've decided you want to see a therapist. But there's so many to choose from. Even just within your district there's dozens of them. How would you choose the right one? Eventually with there being so many choices, do you just.. stop?

But look now. There's a lot of therapist nearby you. But they are not all the same! First you got to identify what's wrong with you, what is eating you from the inside? Is it problems in your relationship? Your children causing you stress? Or even the social anxieties? Truth is, thankfully there are different therapists for different types of issues. You just got to know which one you're looking for.

You can also look for the nearest association for the best provider of therapy counselling. There are numerous organization that helps with this, it's not just in first world countries such as USA, but developing countries such as Malaysia has them as well. Just within my own education institution, HELP University, there's an inhouse counselling services that provides such help.

If you're looking for help, just ask for it and you will receive. Those who stays quiet, will face a harder road.


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