Stress [6]


What does it take for someone to decide that enough is enough. That help is not something that is to be ashamed, that help is good.

However, as aforementioned in the past posts, the culture in most Asian country has evolved but, its perception to mental illness and the cry for help is still sorely languishing in the stone ages. Help is something that most sees as a sign of weakness. And sometimes, for the sake of your own family and career, it could be arguable that not seeking for help is a decent choice.

With that said, with the advancement of the Internet, they have opened up a whole new channel of help. Online therapy. Now, you no longer have to physically head to a brick-and-mortar institution to seek for the help you sorely need, but rather, just by filling in your details and set an appointment with a certified therapist on the Internet, and you're good to go.

They work just as good as therapist in reality. Why shouldn't they? They are the real thing. It's not like they're some kind of robots or anything. They are real, certified human beings, trained to help people with their deepest darkest secrets.

Now there is literally no (valid) excuse for anyone to deny help. Whether it being physical or online, help is everywhere. You just got to extend your hand and accept it.

For more information on online therapist, click <HERE> to be redirect to the relevant information on BetterHelp.


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