Stress [8]


"Price of the therapy is not an indicator of how effective it is." This is one of the excerpt from an article on BetterHelp regarding free therapy sessions. It's common perception that people have. The more expensive an item is, the better it is. A Japanese sushi that costs RM10 per plate would probably be better than a place that sells the same item for RM3 right? Probably wrong, Sushi Mentai sells them for RM3 per plate and they're my drug on sushi.

But not to discredit any items that are sold for a higher price, some do have their own benefits. You see, when the Internet came around and exposed millions of people to each other online. It also opened a whole channel of access for help, and most of them are free. It could be as simple as spending your time to talk to someone about their problems online. That is a form of therapy.

With that said, there are even professional therapy sessions that does this for free. They all do it in their own ways. Some would be free throughout the whole session. Some would do it for any amount of donations. Some would be free in the first couple of sessions with the latter sessions being charged for. They're all not wrong, morally. There is no correlation in how good the therapy session is and the price they are charging for.

Just by taking your time to talk to someone about your own internal battles will help a lot. Trust me on this, I did it.

For more information on free online therapy, click <HERE>. BetterHelp is a community that is built to help people to battle their mental fights. Take a look into them and see how you can prepare yourself for the war in your mind.


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