LAZADA 11.11 shopping festival


It's 10:24PM and I'm feeling a whole lot of feelings. Exhausted, jubilant, excitement, proud. You name it, I've felt it.

Days leading up to the big day, I probably went through days with minimal amount of sleep. I expected it to be a huge event, though I probably underestimated the scale of it. Days leading up to it, I complained so much about the workload, about how exhausted I am all the time. How I thought my energy would be better spent elsewhere.

I was nervous leading up to the Super Show. I would be roaming around in the backstage, seeking interviews with all these established celebrities. I would have access to every single location of the arena. I'd need to get as many great quality footages of the show, of the crowd, all the time not being a nuisance to all in attendance, to all watching on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

In the end, with the help of Hafiz of course, we managed to get a couple of interviews done. Even more so than that, I managed to interview SonaOne on my own! Even though my hands were shaking, but he was great. He was a really great fellow and I was grateful for that. We even got a picture together! :D

I didn't expect to have any interactions with KARD at all, I thought I would probably only be able to record their performances from below the stage. But I can't believe I was a mere steps away from them. I even managed to get them to gesture to the camera for all LAZADIANS to see!

In the aftermath of the show, when I got to step on the middle of the stage. A feeling of proudness overcame me. The efforts that Willy, Shirly, Andrew, Ayesha and so many others in organizing the show, ensuring every single detail were perfect. The way Jun ensured and maintained the smoothness of the livestream.

The coordination that Cyn did gathering the KOLs, getting a good spot in the middle of the media stage to get the perfect view. We got so many good footage from there. Not forgetting Hafiz who was liaising so much with the MP team, to ensure we all have the smoothest journey in capturing the event on our social pages. And finally Omar who was coordinating us, guiding us, and keeping us calm when times were looking unsure.

That's just for the Super Show. We can never forget the purpose we're in this for. The LAZADA 11.11 shopping festival.

Our target this year was much much higher. We managed to beat last year's record in a few hours.
We managed to hit our target with a lot of time left til the end of the day. Jun and Cyn was hard at work once again managing the whole Lazada TV sessions for the day. Kai was busy pushing out visuals after visuals for all of our contents. Omar, Hafiz solving all crisis, putting out all fires and holding all the forts.

I was dreading the shooting of the two celebrities in the warehouse to be honest. But Naim Daniels & Haqiem Rusli were very easy to work with. And once they have arrived, it took only 30 minutes to brief them, get them settled and be done with it! Add another 10 minutes in the shooting at the customer's house. All in all, it went well. And I kind of enjoyed my time doing that shoot.

Running on 2 hours of sleep right now, words may not sound right but all in all, I am so proud of what we've all achieved in this momentous day. And in the end, I know that this is what all our work goes to, and that it is all worth it.


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