year of changes

the year went by quick
the year of momentous changes in all our lives came by, did its things and went away, sweeping itself away for its little brother to come
this year, i welcomed the addition to the family
this year, i went and completed my internship with airasia. a chapter in my life that i would always cherish. for all the guidance and love that they've tendered for me.
this year, i officially hopped on the next chapter of becoming an adult. student i was no more, rat race here i am.
this year, i left the small title of a student and joined the millions of others looking to find their way.
this year, i felt the pinch of life. the stress of looking for a job. resumes after resumes, cvs after cvs, no call was received.
this year, i felt the joy of being employed by a huge company.
this year, i felt the happiness of being in a welcoming team.
this year, i felt that knowledge isn't just from the books but also from the people you surround yourself with and the experience you dive into.

while it was a year filled with changes and new experiences, one thing never changed and it's the end goal.

you are once again my motivation and purpose
you give me light when it is dark
your voice is what i hear when i am left alone
your touch is what i crave when there is none
a ring is what im looking at,
for the fourth finger of yours.


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