Confessions of an Indecisive Person


Two months into the new year. Once again time slows down for no one. After taking a long time to consider my options, I've finally decided on a decision that I hope would not bite me in the future.

Back in the times, I was a mere kid with countless of dreams. I dreamed of being one of those who've achieved something great. I dreamed of doing something that people would remember me by.

I dreamed of becoming a firefighter.
I dreamed of becoming a enforcement officer.
I dreamed of becoming a pilot.
I dreamed of becoming a lawyer.
I dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur. 
I dreamed of becoming a writer.

As of today, two of those are achievable within the near future. You see, when I joined Lazada as a Social Media Executive, I had a plan in mind. That was to try out this new path for 6 months, the duration of my contract. If I enjoyed my time there and believed it would be good for my future prospect, I would extend my contract or convert to a permanent staff.

4 months went by and I would be lying if I say I didn't enjoy it at all. It's true, there has been up and downs throughout my duration here, but what job doesn't have that? What occasion, or even life doesn't have it ups and downs? 

But doing so made me realize something. 

I miss writing. I miss creative writing. 

Being in charge of the social media account where long texts are often ignored and discouraged, I believed my writing skills has decreased tremendously. Even by reading this wall of text you would realized. 

That is why I am trying (once again) to push out one post every week. To improve my skills and hopefully, to be able to do writing full time.

If you haven't noticed by now, yes, I am not planning to extend my contract past the birthday campaign this year. I will be looking for an opportunity elsewhere (Australia) if I am given the chance to do so. In the meantime, here goes my commitment to a weekly post. 


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