Importance of consistency


This week has been hectic. The week back to work after a long break, 10 days to be exact will always be chaotic but this week truly took it to the next level.

There's been a restructure in the team and how each of us will work as well as how brand would be able to post contents on our channels. Initially I thought that would be super helpful in terms of the amount of workload we would have but oh boy, how wrong was I.

The work has intensified and with each project, each of us have to think of so many different contents. My brain's basically dead right now. Thankfully the week's over.

The planning part is usually the tiring part and now that it's over. All that's to do is wait for the visual to be created and push it out as scheduled.

Looking forward to another productive workweek tomorrow!

6 more weeks!


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