go where your heart beats or where the brain brings the logic


i've did it. after 10 months, and a million of complains in between, i've finally did it. i've finally thrown in the letter, saying, thanks for the memories, but it's time i bid farewell to the team, to the company.

that was monday...

on wednesday, diana (chief marketing officer) & omar took me to a room and discussed on further proceedings, why i decided to quit, and more importantly, why i did not take up her offer of being the department & company's copywriter.

yes, they offered me another position in an effort to retain me, and truth to be told, i am tempted.

here's the thought in process about this

i want to carve myself a career in writing, and if i were to leave lazada now to pursue my passion, i would need to take a 20-30% paycut, at least. as you know, writers dont earn much when they just started out, let alone me who doesn't possess any experiences at all, well, except for the 3-months stint in travel360 as an intern.

pros (of taking the role):
1) i will improve my writing skills. copywriting & editorial writing are massive in differences, and if i were to do copywriting at this stage in life, it will help tremendously in all aspect of skills involved in writing.
2) my negotiating power in my future roles will increase by tenfold. with a few month experience at an actual writing role, i can have more power to demand more if not the sale financial packages.
3) the faith that diana & the team has in me. while it may be just words, but i am a gullible person. she mentioned she was super upset upon hearing my resignation and reiterate that she would like to build her department just like how social media (in the co) is built. a team that is dynamic, fun and caring for each other, and with an environment & team spirit that is like none other. she said she wants to replicate that team spirit in other team as well, and one key step is to retain people like me in it.
4) challenges galore, you can only improve in life if you are constantly battling against challenges & obstacles. the year end is coming and that means another round of 11.11 & 12.12. bring it on?
5) should i have tried it out, and i come to a conclusion that i do not like it. i can resign, and they will not stop me.

1) its lazada. the year end is coming and the amount of workload will be monumental. am i able to take it?
2) am i able to take being in a one-man show for the whole department if not the company? there is currently zero copywriters in the company, and while the new head will be coming in, he will not be 100% on the writing part, can i take it on?
3) there are some individual in the department that are borderline insane, will i be one of their victim?
4) pressures. oh god the amount of pressure i will be under, im not sure if i can survive.

lazada is a fast paced company, with tons of changes all the time. and while rewards are good, question is, is it worth the sacrifices?

put it on paper, id be dumb not to take it.
but my heart says i cannot survive any longer.
but my brain says, last out a few more months, and it will bring forth a lifetime of good.

and to be frank,

i am tempted to take it.


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