rational fears


i know my limitations.
i know what im good at.
and more importantly i know what im terrible at.

there are some things that can be improved on, and there are some things that you are born with.

ok here's the truth, my last post 2 months ago was me throwing in my letter of resignation and being counter offered with a copywriter position. and i left y'all hanging by wondering whether i'd take it or not.

well here's the bang. i took it. and my official transition is this tuesday, 1st october. with that said, since the new guy came in 2 weeks ago, ive been doing both roles since then. but come 1st october, i'd officially be out of social and out into the world of copywriting.

and while it may still be early days, man, i aint feeling the vibe man. ya see, copywriting and editorial writing (which is what i want), are two very completely different things.

i aint creative dude. ill be honest, im good with getting my facts and beautifying it into a piece of article, but im not good with crafting something from nothing. those brainstorms sessions, i provide nothing.

and i miss being good at something. yes, all these while, ive been doing good. ive been getting my fair share of praises and recognition, but man, i really aint feeling the vibe of this. i wish finally for once, i can do what id like to do.

adulthood is fucking tough. i know that, you know that, everybody knows that.

but man, i never knew itd be this tough. the fucking transition is terrible. god im all over the place.

im done writing for tonight. clearly my head's not in the right place.



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