despair looking down / dream looking up


this is perhaps going to be quite captain obvious material, and i've known about it for a few years already, but just like me giving advices to other people, i dont take my own advice. easier said than done huh?

what am i talking about? it's quite a simple action, it's merely the act of having your head looking down all the time. now i dont know the science behind it, or whether it is scientifically proven. but im saying that because lately im quite prone to headaches. not the numbing kinds of headache, but its more of a sore behind my neck. as im typing this right now, i still have the same soreness.

thinking back what is my daily routine, it consists of waking up, taking a shower (looking down), leaving my home (temporary home ok!) to the gaming house (looking down), have my food (looking down), do some work and game on the laptop (looking down), walk home (walking down), chill facing the pc again (once again, looking down) no wonder i persistently gets these annoying soreness.

and im so used to this that im doing it unconsciously. on the rare occasion that i realized what im doing, i immediately bring my head up, facing the beauty that is the sky, and honest to god, it felt such a relief. not just to my neck but also to my sanity.

and its kind true aint it? the connection to our sanity i mean.

so why do we always want to stick our head down into the ground and have all the despair and sadness engulf us? why not just take the short moment and look up. look at the optimist that is up in the air, look at the dreams that is just ahead of you.

even better, let's not do it just for a short moment. lets look up and keep it that away.

fuck despair. you're you and your happiness is in the air, its up to you to grasp it.



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