revival / 216


call it revival, or resurrection, or even revitalization, but consider as another attempt to do so. it's been 216 days since my last post, and that's a damn shame.

so here's a short recap on what went by in the 216 days from now and then.

- i was counter-offered the position of copywriter in lazada
- i took it up, gave it a go for a few months and the demons in my head were constantly spilling me shits, in the end, i felt i couldn't provide my maximum for an organization that has helped me constantly
- i resigned
- i moved to the gaming industry, becoming a new team (reality rift)'s communication and branding guy
- so what do i do?
- i am the team's social guy, the community management guy, the designer, the editor, i liaise with external newsite for articles, i liaise with tournament organizers for interviews, videos assets and such
- oh and during this mco, since the team manager (he's vietnamese) is stuck in vietnam, i am the team's temporary team manager
- and what do i do? order the guys' food, make sure water is sufficient, throw the trash out, basically be a fucking bitch
- so yeah thats what i do here

i mean overall, i told myself i would have more regret not giving this a go than trying it and not liking it. it's still a good experience. while i still have my youth with me, i should just fuck off and try things out. and that alone is a good price to pay.

but here's something i've not expected.
the uncertainty of (job hunts), the potential diminishing of my value (in career) due to a jump from a mega corporate organization to not only a start-up, but in an industry that has the perception of all gaming, no productivity.

i mean to counteract that, i thought i should start, well at least, to keep my value up by having a public space where i can showcase my work and myself, a portfolio if you will. and this thought has been with me for a few months now.

and i finally did it

🌟 🌟

i bought a domain of my own, edited the page and included a detailed post of every campaigns ive done in lazada, as well as current jobs that im doing with reality. i don't know whether it will work or not, but hey, at least its something that ive been wanting to do so for a long time and ive did it. it feels good.

ok im signing off for now. im tryna to keep the blog updated as much as possible. lets see how much i can do on it

bella ciao



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