regress vs progress



yet another long-awaited post, no sorry. it's not long-awaited, no one's waiting for it. long-due i should say.

exactly 707 days since the last post, much has changed, much has not, but here i am, still, the same me, tryna stay afloat amidst the noises of my mind. right then, let's get on to the point.

1) I've changed job once again

Not sure who needs this but here's a refresher. From Lazada I went to Reality Rift in Johor, then I went back to Lazada. Following which I landed with a Singaporean job once again, this time with The Gym Esportscentre. Now, I am entering the 4th year of my working life, why did I change so many times you ask?

There's no better answer than I'm a wuss and I just cannot find myself settling. And honestly, there's good and bads with that. The good is that I am able to diversity my portfolio into a multitude of industry and job scope, I've did e-commerce, esports and now I am in telecommunications. I've did social marketing as well as marketing building, now I am in Brands. Oh btw, I landed myself a job in TIME dotCom for those that don't know by now.

Do I like my current place? Well I don't know, to give you the honest truth. I am definitely struggling. I've broken down two times in my two months here. And Branding's scope of work, well, Andrew once told me that it's overrated and I'm inclined to trust him. It's more or less acquiring assets for the different stakeholders and making sure the assets are within our brand guidelines. And don't get me started on certain people here that make it a challenge. 

With that said, I promised myself and Joey that I'd try to stay here for at least a year or two, for the betterment of my portfolio. Which brings us to the bads of me jumping so many time. My portfolio might not look the best in terms of duration per job, with an average span of a year, yeah, it's not exactly attractive to recruiters. 

2) Major changes needed to this page

Looking at it, the theme is outdated. The blogrolls on them are more or less deads. The widgets are non functional. It needs changing. Let's see when I'll be able to get to it.

3) Major changes needed to me

If you know me, you know that I am not the brightest of person. There's plenty of times growing up where my mind weren't exactly straight and I let myself succumb to the hollow gallows of the dark. Thankfully these past years has been good. But I don't know, recently perhaps due to the predicament of my job, I'm slipping back.

But I also know it's not normal.. and that I shouldn't do that. And there's something wrong within myself for slipping. And that needs tweaking..

regress or progress? y'know what, call me a pessimist but i think staying put is a pretty attractive option too



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